Product Photography
產品攝影 都是考驗攝影師的耐性和執著,怎樣的燈光佈置展現產品的細節,怎樣的環境擺設使產品更突出,怎樣的角度讓人一目了然。產品攝影公司 拍攝一張好的產品照片用的燈光絕對不比廣告相少,有時候可能需要用上好幾倍時間及心思。
Product photography is a test of the photographer’s patience and perseverance. What kind of lighting arrangement shows the details of the product, what kind of environment arrangement makes the product more prominent, and what kind of angle is clear at a glance.
Meticulousness is the main element of product photography.
Meticulousness is the essence of product photography
細緻是 產品攝影 的精髓